Internet-Draft SCTP DTLS Chunk July 2024
Westerlund, et al. Expires 9 January 2025 [Page]
Intended Status:
Standards Track
M. Westerlund
J. Preuß Mattsson
C. Porfiri

Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) DTLS Chunk


This document describes a method for adding Cryptographic protection to the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP). The SCTP DTLS chunk defined in this document is intended to enable communications privacy for applications that use SCTP as their transport protocol and allows applications to communicate in a way that is designed to prevent eavesdropping and detect tampering or message forgery.

Applications using SCTP DTLS chunk can use all transport features provided by SCTP and its extensions but with some limitations.

About This Document

This note is to be removed before publishing as an RFC.

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Status of This Memo

This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

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This Internet-Draft will expire on 9 January 2025.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

This document defines a DTLS chunk for the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP), as defined in [RFC9260].

This specification defines the actual DTLS chunk, how to enable it usage, how it interacts with the SCTP association establishment to enable endpoint authentication, key-establishment, and key updates.

The DTLS chunk is designed to enable mutual authentication of endpoints, data confidentiality, data origin authentication, data integrity protection, and data replay protection for SCTP packets after the SCTP association has been established. It is dependent on a key management function that is defined seperately to achieve all these capabilities. The key management function uses an API to provision the SCTP association's DTLS chunk protection with key-material to enable and rekey the protection operations.

Applications using SCTP DTLS chunk can use most transport features provided by SCTP and its extensions. However, there can be some limitations or additional requirements for them to function such as those noted for SCTP restart and use of Dynamic Address Reconfiguration, see Section 3.8 and Section 3.9. Due to its level of integration as discussed in next section it will provide its security functions on all content of the SCTP packet, and will thus not impact the potential to utilize any SCTP functionalities or extensions that are possible to use between two SCTP peers with full security and SCTP association state.

DTLS is considered version 1.3 as specified in [RFC9147] whereas other versions are explicitely not part of this document.

2. Conventions

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.

3. Overview

3.1. Protocol Overview

The DTLS chunk is defined as a method for secure and confidential transfer for SCTP packets. This is implemented inside the SCTP protocol, in a sublayer between the SCTP common header handling and the SCTP chunk handling. Once an SCTP packet has been received and the SCTP common header has been used to identify the SCTP association, the DTLS chunk is sent to the DTLS Protection Operator that will return the SCTP payload containing the unprotected SCTP chunks, those chunks will then be handled according to their SCTP protocol specifications. Figure 1 illustrates the DTLS chunk layering in regard to SCTP and the Upper Layer Protocol (ULP).

DTLS 1.3 Keys ULP Key Management API User Level SCTP Chunks Handler Messages SCTP Unprotected Payload DTLS DTLS 1.3 Chunk Handler Protection Operator SCTP Header Handler SCTP Protected Payload
Figure 1: DTLS Chunk Layering in Regard to SCTP and ULP

Use of the DTLS chunk is defined per SCTP association.

On the outgoing direction, once the SCTP stack has created the unprotected SCTP packet payload containing control and/or DATA chunks, that payload will be sent to the DTLS Protection Operator to be protected. The format of the protected payload is a DTLS 1.3 record encapsulated in a SCTP chunk which is named the DTLS chunk.

The SCTP Protection Operator performs protection operations on the whole unprotected SCTP packet payload, i.e., all chunks after the SCTP common header. Information protection is kept during the lifetime of the association and no information is sent unprotected except than the initial SCTP handshake, DTLS handshake, the SCTP common header, the SCTP DTLS chunk header, the INIT and INIT-ACK of an SCTP association restart, and the SHUTDOWN-COMPLETE chunk.

SCTP DTLS chunk capability is agreed by the peers at the initialization of the SCTP association. Until the DTLS protection has been keyed only plain text key-management traffic using a dedicated PPID (4242) may flow, no ULP traffic. The key management function uses an API to key the DTLS protection operation function. Usage of the DTLS 1.3 handshake for initial mutual authentication and key establishment as well as periodic re-authentication and rekeying with Diffe-Hellman of the DTLS chunk protection is defied in a seperate document [I-D.westerlund-tsvwg-sctp-DTLS-handshake].

When the endpoint authentication and key establishment has been completed, the association is considered to be secured and the ULP is informed about that. From this time on it's possible for the ULPs to exchange data securely.

A DTLS chunk will never be retransmitted, retransmission is implemented by SCTP endpoint at chunk level as specified in [RFC9260]. DTLS replay protection will be used to supress duplicated DTLS chunks, however a failure to prevent replay will only result in duplicated SCTP chunks and will be handled as duplicated chunks by SCTP endpoint in the same way a duplicated SCTP packet with those SCTP chunks would have been.

3.2. DTLS Considerations

The DTLS Chunk architecture splits DTLS 1.3 as shown in Figure 1, where there's a Key Management functionality on top of SCTP Chunks Handler and a Protection Operator functionality interfacing DTLS Chunk Handler.

Key Management is the set of data and procedures that take care of key distribution, verification, and update, DTLS connection setup, update and maintenance.

Protection Operator functionality is the set of data and procedures taking care of User Data encryption into DTLS Record and DTLS record decryption into User Data.

DTLS 1.3 operations requires to directly handshake messages with the remote peer for connection setup and other features, this kind of handshake is part of the Key Management functionality. Key Management function achieves these features behaving as a SCTP User. Key Management sends and receives its own data via the SCTP User Level interface. Key Management's own data are distinguished from any other data by means of a dedicated PPID using the value 4242 (see Table 9).

Once the Key Management has established the DTLS 1.3 connection, it can set the Protection Operator for User Data encryption/decription via the API shown in Figure 1.

DTLS 1.3 handshake messages, that are transported as SCTP User Data with dedicated PPID = 4242, SHALL be sent and received as plain DATA chunks.

3.3. SCTP DTLS Chunk Buffering and Flow Control

DTLS 1.3 operations and SCTP are asynchronous, meaning that the Protection Operator may deliver the decrypted SCTP Payload to the SCTP endpoint without respecting the reception order. It's up to SCTP endpoint to reorder the chunks in the reception buffer and to take care of the flow control according to what specified in [RFC9260]. From SCTP perspective the DTLS chunk processing is part of the transport network.

Even though the above allows the implementors to adopt a multithreading design of the Protection Operators, the actual implementation should consider that out-of-order handling of SCTP chunks is not desired and may cause false congestion signals and trigger retransmissions.

3.4. PMTU Considerations

The addition of the DTLS chunk to SCTP reduces the room for payload, due to the size of the DTLS chunk header, padding, and authentication tag. Thus, the SCTP layer creating the plain text payload needs to know about the overhead to adjust its target payload size appropriately.

A path MTU discovery function in SCTP will need to know the actual sent and received size of packets for the SCTP packets. This to correctly handle PMTUD probe packets.

From SCTP perspective, if there is a maximum size of plain text data that can be protected by the Protection Operator that must be communicated to SCTP. As such a limit will limit the PMTU for SCTP to the maximum plain text plus DTLS chunk and algorithm overhead plus the SCTP common header.

3.5. Congestion Control Considerations

The SCTP mechanism for handling congestion control does depend on successful data transfer for enlarging or reducing the congestion window CWND (see [RFC9260] Section 7.2).

It may happen that Protection Operator discards packets due to internal checks or because it has detected a malicious attempt. As those packets do not represent what the peer sent, it is acceptable to ignore them, although in-situ modification on the path of a packet resulting in discarding due to integrity failure will leave a gap, but has to be accepted as part of the path behavior.

The Protection Operator will not interfere with the SCTP congestion control mechanism, this basically means that from SCTP perspective the congestion control is exactly the same as how specified in [RFC9260].

3.6. ICMP Considerations

The SCTP implementation will be responsible for handling ICMP messages and their validation as specified in [RFC9260] Section 10. This means that the ICMP validation needs to be done in relation to the actual sent SCTP packets with the DTLS chunk and not the unprotected payload.

3.7. Path Selection Considerations

When an Association is multihomed there are multiple paths between Endpoints. The selection of the specific path to be used at a certain time belongs to SCTP protocol that will decide according to [RFC9260]. The Protection Operator shall not influence the path selection algorithm, actually the Protection Operator will not even know what path is being used.

Replay window for DTLS Sequence Number will need to take into account that heartbeat (HB) chunks are sent concurrently over all paths in multihomed Associations, thus it needs to be large enough to accomodate latency differencies.

3.8. Dynamic Address Reconfiguration Considerations

When using Dynamic Address Reconfiguration [RFC5061] in an SCTP association using DTLS Chunk the ASCONF chunk is protected, thus it needs to be unprotected first, furthermore it MAY come from an unknown IP Address. In order to properly address the ASCONF chunk to the relevant Association for being unprotected, Destination Address, Source, Destination ports and VTag shall be used. If the combination of those parameters is not unique the implementor MAY choose to send the DTLS Chunk to all Associations that fit with the parameters in order to find the right one. The association will attempt de-protection operations on the DTLS chunk, and if that is successful the ASCONF chunk can be processed.

The section 4.1.1 of [RFC5061] specifies that ASCONF message are required to be sent authenticated with SCTP-AUTH [RFC4895]. For SCTP associations using DTLS Chunk this results in the use of redundant mechanism for Authentication with both SCTP-AUTH and the DTLS Chunk. We recommend to amend [RFC5061] for including DTLS Chunks as Authentication mechanism for ASCONF chunks.

3.9. SCTP Restart Considerations

This section deals with the handling of an unexpected INIT chunk during an Association lifetime as described in [RFC9260] section 5.2 with the purpose of achieving a Restart of the current Association.

The SCTP Restart procedure is defined to maintain the security characteristics of a SCTP Association using DTLS Chunk, this requires that SCTP Restart procedure is modified in regards to how it is described in [RFC9260].

In order to support SCTP Restart, the SCTP Endpoints shall allocate and maintain dedicated DTLS connections, those connection will be identified in the DTLS chunk with DCIs with the R (restart) bit set (see Section 5.1). Both SCTP Endpoints shall guarantee that Restart DTLS connections and related keys are preserved for supporting the SCTP Restart use case.

In order to be available for SCTP Restart purposes, the Restart DTLS connection must be kept in a well-known state so that both SCTP Endpoints are aware of the DTLS sequence numbers and replay window. An SCTP Endpoint SHALL NEVER use the SCTP Restart DTLS connection for any other use case than SCTP Restart.

The DTLS Restart Connections, the related key materials, the information related to the sequence numbers and replay window SHALL be stored in a safe way that survives the events that are causing SCTP Restart procedure to be used, for instance a crash of the SCTP stack.

The SCTP Restart handshakes INIT/INIT-ACK exactly as in legacy SCTP whilst COOCKIE-ECHO/COOKIE-ACK SHALL be sent as DTLS chunk protected using the keying material for the restart DTLS connection, that is the DTLS Restart Connection and its DCI.

A Restart DCI is identified by having the Restart Indicator bit set in the DTLS Chunk (see Figure 4). There's exactly one active Restart DCI at a time, the newest. Whereas a number of Restart DTLS connection MAY exist at the same time with the purpose of replace the aging active Restart DTLS connection.

Figure 2: Handshake of SCTP Restart for DTLS in SCTP

The Figure 2 shows how the control chunks being used for SCTP Association Restart are transported within DTLS in SCTP.

Sending INIT and INIT-ACK plain text guarantees the compliance with the legacy SCTP Restart, whilst the transport of the COOCKIE-ECHO and COOCKIE-ACK by means of DTLS chunk ensures that the peer requesting the restart has been previously validated.

A restarted SCTP Association SHALL use the Restart DCI, thus the Restart DTLS connection, for User Traffic until a new traffic DTLS connection will be available. The implementors SHOULD guarantee that a new replacement Restart DTLS connection as well as a new Restart DCI are handshaked as soon as possible so that the time when no Restart DCI are available is kept to a minimum.

4. New Parameter Type

This section defines the new parameter type that will be used to negotiate the use of the DTLS 1.3 chunk during association setup. Table 1 illustrates the new parameter type.

Table 1: New INIT/INIT-ACK Parameter
Parameter Type Parameter Name
0x80xx DTLS 1.3 Chunk Protected Association

Note that the parameter format requires the receiver to ignore the parameter and continue processing if the parameter is not understood. This is accomplished (as described in [RFC9260], Section 3.2.1.) by the use of the upper bits of the parameter type.

4.1. DTLS 1.3 Chunk Protected Association

This parameter is only used to indicate the request and acknowledge of support of DTLS 1.3 Chunk during INIT/INIT-ACK handshake.

0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 Parameter Type = 0x80XX Parameter Length
Figure 3: Protected Association Parameter
Parameter Type: 16 bits (unsigned integer)

This value MUST be set to 0x80XX.

Parameter Length: 16 bits (unsigned integer)

This field has value equal to 4.

RFC-Editor Note: Please replace 0x08XX with the actual parameter type value assigned by IANA and then remove this note.

5. New Chunk Types

5.1. DTLS Chunk (DTLS)

This section defines the new chunk type that will be used to transport the DTLS 1.3 record containing protected SCTP payload. Table 2 illustrates the new chunk type.

Table 2: DTLS Chunk Type
Chunk Type Chunk Name
0x4X DTLS Chunk (DTLS)

RFC-Editor Note: Please replace 0x4x with the actual chunk type value assigned by IANA and then remove this note.

It should be noted that the DTLS chunk format requires the receiver stop processing this SCTP packet, discard the unrecognized chunk and all further chunks, and report the unrecognized chunk in an ERROR chunk using the 'Unrecognized Chunk Type' error cause. This is accomplished (as described in [RFC9260] Section 3.2.) by the use of the upper bits of the chunk type.

The DTLS chunk is used to hold the DTLS 1.3 record with the protected payload of a plain SCTP packet.

0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 Type = 0x4x reserved R DCI Chunk Length Payload Padding
Figure 4: DTLS Chunk Structure
reserved: 5 bits

Reserved bits for future use. Sender MUST set these bits to 0 and MUST be ignored on reception.

R: 1 bit (boolean)

Restart indicator. If this bit is set this DTLS chunk is protected with by an restart DTLS Connection with the index indicated by the DCI. If not set, then a traffic DCI is indicated.

DCI: 2 bits (unsigned integer)

DTLS Connection Index is the lower two bits of an DTLS Connection Index counter for the traffic or restart DTLS connection index. This is a counter implemented in DTLS in SCTP that is used to identify which DTLS connection instance that is capable of processing any received packet or DTLS message over an user message. This counter is recommended to be the lower part of a larger variable. DCI is unrelated to the DTLS Connection ID (CID) [RFC9147].

Chunk Length: 16 bits (unsigned integer)

This value holds the length of the Payload in bytes plus 4.

Payload: variable length

This holds the encrypted data as one DTLS 1.3 Records [RFC9147].

Padding: 0, 8, 16, or 24 bits

If the length of the Payload is not a multiple of 4 bytes, the sender MUST pad the chunk with all zero bytes to make the chunk 32-bit aligned. The Padding MUST NOT be longer than 3 bytes and it MUST be ignored by the receiver.

5.2. Protection Solution Validation Chunk (PVALID)

This section defines the new chunk types that will be used to validate the Init/Init-ACK negotiation that selected the DTLS 1.3 chunk. This to prevent down grade attacks on the negotiation if other protection solutions where offered. Table 3 illustrates the new chunk type.

Table 3: PVALID Chunk Type
Chunk Type Chunk Name
0x4X Protection Solution Validation (PVALID)

It should be noted that the PVALID chunk format requires the receiver stop processing this SCTP packet, discard the unrecognized chunk and all further chunks, and report the unrecognized chunk in an ERROR chunk using the 'Unrecognized Chunk Type' error cause. This is accomplished (as described in [RFC9260] Section 3.2.) by the use of the upper bits of the chunk type.

The PVALID chunk is used to hold a 32-bit vector of offered protection solutions in the INIT.

0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 Type = 0x4X Flags = 0 Chunk Length Protection Solutions Indicator
Figure 5: PVALID Chunk Structure
Chunk Type: 8 bits (unsigned integer)

This value MUST be set to 0x4X.

Chunk Flags: 8 bits

MUST be set to zero on transmit and MUST be ignored on receipt.

Chunk Length: 16 bits (unsigned integer)

This value holds the length of the Protection Solutions Indicator field in bytes plus 4.

Protection Solutions Indicator: array of 32 bits (unsigned integer)

The array has at least one element. The value is set by default to zero. It uses the different bit-values to indicate that the INIT contained an offer of the indiacted protection solutions. Value 0x1 is used to indicate that one offered DTLS 1.3 Chunk.

RFC-Editor Note: Please replace 0x4X with the actual chunk type value assigned by IANA and then remove this note.

6. Error Handling

This specification introduces a new set of error causes that are to be used when SCTP endpoint detects a faulty condition. The special case is when the error is detected by the DTLS 1.3 Protection that may provide additional information.

6.1. Mandatory Protected Association Parameter Missing

When an initiator SCTP endpoint sends an INIT chunk that doesn't contain the DTLS 1.3 Chunk Protected Association or other protection solutions towards an SCTP endpoint that only accepts protected associations, the responder endpoint SHALL raise a Missing Mandatory Parameter error. The ERROR chunk will contain the cause code 'Missing Mandatory Parameter' (2) (see [RFC9260] Section and the DTLS 1.3 chunk protected association parameter identifier Section 4.1 in the missing param Information field. It may also include additional parameters representing other supported protection mechanisms that are acceptable per endpoint security policy.

0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 Cause Code = 2 Cause Length Number of missing params = N DTLS 1.3 Chunk Protected Asc Missing Param Type #2 Missing Param Type #N-1 Missing Param Type #N
Figure 6: ERROR Missing Protected Association Paramater

Note: Cause Length is equal to the number of missing parameters 8 + N * 2 according to [RFC9260], section Also the Protection Association ID may be present in any of the N missing params, no order implied by the example in Figure 6.

6.2. Error in DTLS Chunk

A new Error Type is defined for DTLS Chunk, it's used for any error related to the DTLS chunk's protection mechanism described in this document and has a structure that allows detailed information to be added as extra causes.

This specification describes some of the causes whilst the key establishment specification MAY add further causes.

When detecting an error, SCTP will send an ABORT chunk containing the relevant Error Type and Causes.

0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 Cause Code = TBA9 Cause Length Extra Cause #1 Extra Cause #2 Extra Cause #N-1 Extra Cause #N
Figure 7: Error in DTLS Chunk Cause Format
Cause Code: 16 bits (unsigned integer)

The SCTP Error Chunk Cause Code indicating "Error in Protection" is TBA9.

Cause Length: 16 bits (unsigned integer)

Is for N extra Causes equal to 4 + N * 2

Extra Cause: 16 bits (unsigned integer)

Each Extra Cause indicate an additional piece of information as part of the error. There MAY be zero to as many as can fit in the extra cause field in the ERROR Chunk (A maximum of 32764).

Editor's Note: Please replace TBA9 above with what is assigned by IANA.

Below a number of defined Error Causes are defined, additional causes can be registered with IANA following the rules in Section 10.1.

6.2.1. Error During Protection Handshake

The usage of the DTLS Chunk can specify a handshake, for example [I-D.westerlund-tsvwg-sctp-DTLS-handshake], in which case that procedure may encounter an error. In such case an ABORT chunk will be sent with error in protection cause code (specified in Section 6.2) and extra cause "Error During Protection Handshake" identifier 0x01. DTLS may provide a more granular information detailing the reason that drove the protection to fail. Such granular information can be added to the Error List.

6.2.2. Failure in Protection Solution Validation

A Failure may occur during protection solution validation, i.e. when the PVALID chunks Section 5.2 are exchanged to validate the initialization. In such case an ABORT chunk will be sent with error in protection cause code (specified in Section 6.2) and extra cause "Failure in Validation" identifier 0x02 to indicate this failure.

6.2.3. Timeout During Protection Handshake or Validation

Whenever a T-valid timeout occurs, the SCTP endpoint will send an ABORT chunk with "Error in Protection" cause (specified in Section 6.2) and extra cause "Timeout During Protection Handshake or Validation" identifier 0x03 to indicate this failure. To indicate in which phase the timeout occurred an additional extra cause code is added. If the protection solution specifies that key management is implemented in-band and the T-valid timeout occurs during the handshake the Cause-Specific code to add is "Error During Protection Handshake" identifier 0x01. If the T-valid timeout occurs during the protection association parameter validation, the extra cause code to use is "Failure in Validation" identifier 0x02.

6.3. Critical Error from DTLS

DTLS 1.3 MAY inform local SCTP endpoint about errors. When an Error in the DTLS 1.3 compromises the protection mechanism, the protection operator may stop processing data altogether, thus the local SCTP endpoint will not be able to send or receive any chunk for the specified Association. This will cause the Association to be closed by legacy timer-based mechanism. Since the Association protection is compromised no further data will be sent and the remote peer will also experience timeout on the Association.

6.4. Non-critical Error in the Protection

A non-critical error in DTLS 1.3 means that the Protection Operator is capable of recovering without the need of the whole Association to be restarted.

From SCTP perspective, a non-critical error will be perceived as a temporary problem in the transport and will be handled with retransmissions and SACKS according to [RFC9260].

When the Protection Operator will experience a non-critical error, an ABORT chunk SHALL NOT be sent.

7. Procedures

7.1. Establishment of a Protected Association

An SCTP Endpoint acting as initiator willing to create a DTLS 1.3 chunk protected association shall send to the remote peer an INIT chunk containing the DTLS 1.3 Chunk Protected Association parameter (see Section 4.1) whith the optional information, if any (see Figure 3).

An SCTP Endpoint acting as responder, when receiving an INIT chunk with DTLS 1.3 Chunk Protected Association parameter, will reply with INIT-ACK with its own DTLS 1.3 Chunk Protected Association parameter and any optional information.

Additionally, an SCTP Endpoint acting as responder willing to support only protected associations shall consider INIT chunk not containing the DTLS 1.3 Chunk Protected Association parameter or another by security policy accepted security solution as an error, thus it will reply with an ABORT chunk according to what specified in Section 6.1 indicating that for this endpoint mandatory DTLS 1.3 Chunk Protected Association parameter is missing.

When initiator and responder have agreed on a protected association by means of handshaking INIT/INIT-ACK the SCTP association establishment continues until it has reached the ESTABLISHED state. However, before the SCTP assocation is protected by the DTLS 1.3 Chunk some additional states needs to be passed. First DTLS Chunk needs be initializied in the PROTECTION INTILIZATION state. This MAY be accomplished by the procedure defined in [I-D.westerlund-tsvwg-sctp-DTLS-handshake], or through other methods that results in at least one DCI has initialized state. When that has been accomplished one enters the VALIDATION state where one validates the exchange of the DTLS 1.3 Chunk Protected Association Parameter and any alternative protection solutions. If that is successful one enters the PROTECTED state. This state sequence is depicted in Section 7.3.

Until the procedure has reached the PROTECTED state the only usage of DATA Chunks that is accepted is DATA Chunks with the SCTP-DTLS PPID value 4242 used to exchange in-band key establishment messages for DTLS. Any other DATA chunk being received in a Protected association SHALL be silently discarded.

DTLS 1.3 initializes itself by transferring its own handshake messages as payload of the DATA chunk necessary [I-D.westerlund-tsvwg-sctp-DTLS-handshake]. The DTLS Chunk initialization SHOULD be supervised by a T-valid timer that fits DTLS 1.3 handshake and may also be further adjusted based on whether expected RTT values are outside of the ones commonly occurring on the general Internet, see Section 7.5. At completion of DTLS Chunk initialization the setup of the Protected association is complete and one enters the VALIDATION state, and from that time on only DTLS chunks will be exchanged. Any plain text chunk will be silently discarded.

In case of T-valid timeout, the endpoint will generate an ABORT chunk. The ERROR handling follows what specified in Section 6.2.1.

When entering the VALIDATION state, the initiator MUST send to the responder a PVALID chunk (see Table 3) containing indication of all offered protection solutions previously sent in the INIT chunk, including the 0x1 value indicating that DTLS 1.3 Chunk Protected Association parameter was included. The transmission of the PVALID chunk MUST be done reliably. The responder receiving the PVALID chunk will compare the indicated solutions with the ones previously received as parameters in the INIT chunk, if they are exactly the same, it will reply to the initiator with a PVALID chunk containing the chosen proteciton solution, otherwise it will reply with an ABORT chunk. ERROR CAUSE will indicate "Failure in Validation" and the SCTP association will be terminated. If the association was not aborted the protected association is considered successfully established and the PROTECTED state is entered.

When the initiator receives the PVALID chunk, it will compare with the previous chosen option and in case of mismatch with the one received previously in the protected association parameter in the INIT-ACK chunk, it will reply with ABORT with the ERROR CAUSE "Failure in Validation", otherwise the protected association is successfully established and the initiator enters the PROTECTED state.

PVALID chunk will be sent by the initiator every RTO time (see section 6.3.1 of [RFC9260]) until a PVALID or an ABORT chunk is received from the responder or T-valid timer expires.

If T-valid timer expires either at initiator or responder, it will generate an ABORT chunk. The ERROR handling follows what specified in Section 6.2.3.

In the PROTECTED state any ULP SCTP messages for any PPID MAY be exchanged in the protected SCTP association.

When entering the PROTECTED state, a Restart DTLS connection SHOULD be created.

7.2. Termination of a Protected Association

Besides the procedures for terminating an association explained in [RFC9260], DTLS 1.3 SHALL ask SCTP endpoint for terminating an association when having an internal error or by detecting a security violation. During the termination procedure all Control Chunks SHALL be protected except SHUTDOWN-COMPLETE. The internal design of Protection Engines and their capability is out of the scope of the current document.

7.3. Protection Initialization State Machine

ESTABLISHED If INIT/INIT-ACK has DTLS 1.3 Chunk Protected Association Parameter PROTECTION INITILIZATION start T-valid timer. [DTLS SETUP] send and receive DTLS handshake VALIDATION [ENDPOINT VALIDATION] send and receive PVALID by means of DTLS chunk. PROTECTED
Figure 8: DTLS Chunk State Diagram

7.4. Considerations on Key Management

When the Association is in PROTECTION INITILIZATION state, in-band DTLS key management [I-D.westerlund-tsvwg-sctp-DTLS-handshake] MAY use SCTP user messages with the SCTP-DTLS PPID value = 4242 (see Table 9) for message transfer that will be sent and received unencrypted.

When the Association is in DTLS chunk PROTECTED state and the SCTP assocation is in ESTABLISHED or any of the states that can be reached after ESTABLISHED state, in-band key management are RECOMMENDED to use SCTP Data chunk with dedicated PPID, those chunks will be sent and received unencrypted.

7.5. Consideration on T-valid

The timer T-Valid supervises initializations that depend on how the handshake is specified for the key establishment used for the DTLS 1.3 chunk and also on the characteristics of the transport network.

This specification recommends a default value of 30 seconds for T-valid.

8. Protected Data Chunk Handling

With reference to the DTLS Chunk states and the state Diagram as shown in Figure 3 of [RFC9260], the handling of Control chunks, Data chunks and DTLS chunks follows the rules defined below:

0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 Common Header Chunk #1 . . . Chunk #n
Figure 9: Plain Text SCTP Packet

The diagram shown in Figure 9 describes the structure of any plain text SCTP packet being sent or received when the DTLS Chunk is not in VALIDATION or PROTECTED state.

0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 Common Header DTLS Chunk
Figure 10: Protected SCTP Packets

The diagram shown in Figure 10 describes the structure of an SCTP packet being sent after the DTLS Chunk VALIDATION or PROTECTED state has been reached. Such packets are built with the SCTP common header. Only one DTLS chunk can be sent in a SCTP packet.

8.1. Protected Data Chunk Transmission

When the DTLS Chunk state machine hasn't reached the VALIDATION state, DTLS 1.3 MAY perform key management in-band, thus the DTLS chunk Handler will receive plain control and DATA chunks from the SCTP chunk handler.

When DTLS Chunk has reached the VALIDATION and PROTECTED state, the DTLS chunk handler will receive control chunks and DATA chunks from the SCTP chunk handler as a complete SCTP payload with maximum size limited by PMTU reduced by the size of the SCTP common header and the DTLS chunk overhead.

That plain payload will be sent to the Protection Operator in use for that specific association, the Protection Operator will return an encrypted DTLS 1.3 record.

An SCTP packet containing an SCTP DTLS chunk SHALL be delivered without delay and SCTP bundling SHALL NOT be performed. If a SCTP packet with bundling is received the receiver SHALL ignore any subsequent chunk.

8.2. Protected Data Chunk Reception

When the DTLS Chunk state machine hasn't reached the VALIDATION state it MAY perform key management in-band. In such case, the DTLS chunk handler will receive plain control chunks and DATA chunks with SCTP-DTLS PPID from the SCTP Header Handler. Those plain text control chunks will be forwarded to SCTP chunk handler as well as the DATA chunk with the SCTP-DTLS PPID value of 4242.

When the DTLS Chunk state machine has reached the VALIDATION or PROTECTED state, the DTLS chunk handler will receive DTLS chunks from the SCTP Header Handler. Payload from DTLS chunks will be forwarded to the Protection Operator which will return a plain SCTP Payload. The plain SCTP payload will be forwarded to SCTP Chunk Handler that will split it in separated chunks and will handle them according to [RFC9260].

Meta data, such as ECN, source and destination address or path ID, belonging to the received SCTP packet SHALL be tied to the relevant set of chunks and forwarded transparently to the SCTP endpoint.

8.2.1. SCTP Header Handler

The SCTP Header Handler is responsible for correctness of the SCTP common header, it receives the SCTP packet from the lower transport layer, discriminates among associations and forwards the payload and relevant data to the SCTP Protection Operator for handling.

In the opposite direction it creates the SCTP common header and fills it with the relevant information for the specific association and delivers it towards the lower transport layer.

9. Abstract API

This section describes and abstract API that is needed between a key establishment part and the DTLS 1.3 protection chunk.

9.1. Cipher Suit Capabilities

The key-management function needs to know which cipher suits defined for usage with DTLS 1.3 that are supported by the DTLS chunk and its protection operations block. All TLS cipher suit that are defined are listed in the TLS cipher suit registry [TLS-CIPHER-SUITS] at IANA and are identified by a 2-byte value. Thus this needs to return a list of all supported cipher suits to the higher layer.

Request : Get Cipher Suits

Parameters : none

Reply : Cipher Suits

Parameters : list of cipher suits

9.2. Establish Client Write Keying Material

The DTLS Chunk can use one of out of multiple sets of cipher suit and corresponding key materials. Which has been used are explicitly indicated in the DCI field.

The following information needs to be provided when setting Client Write (transmit) Keying material:

Request : Establish Client Write Key and IV

Paramters :

  • SCTP Assocation:

    Reference to the relevant SCTP assocation to set the keying material for.

  • DCI:

    The DTLS connection index value to establish (or overwrite)

  • Restart indication:

    A bit indicating wheter the DCI is for restart purposes

  • DTLS Epoch:

    The DTLS epoch these keys are valid for. Note that Epoch lower than 3 are not expected as they are used during DTLS handshake.

  • Cipher Suit:

    2 bytes cipher suit identification for the DTLS 1.3 Cipher suit used to identify the DTLS AEAD algorithm to perform the DTLS record protection. The cipher suite is fixed for a (SCTP Assocation, DCI) pair.

  • Write Key and IV:

: The cipher suit specific binary object containing all necessary information for protection operations. The secret will used by the DTLS 1.3 client to encrypt the record. Binary arbitrary long object depending on the cipher suit used.

Reply : Established or Failed

9.3. Establish Server Write Keying Material

The DTLS Chunk can use one of out of multiple sets of cipher suit and corresponding key materials. Which has been used are explicitly indicated in the DCI field.

The following information needs to be provided when setting Server Write (transmit) Keying material:

Request : Establish Server Write Key and IV

Paramters :

  • SCTP Assocation:

    Reference to the relevant SCTP assocation to set the keying material for.

  • DCI:

    The DTLS connection index value to establish (or overwrite)

  • Restart indication:

    A bit indicating wheter the DCI is for restart purposes

  • DTLS Epoch:

    The DTLS epoch these keys are valid for. Note that Epoch lower than 3 are note expected as they are used during DTLS handshake.

  • Cipher Suit:

    2 bytes cipher suit identification for the DTLS 1.3 Cipher suit used to identify the DTLS AEAD algorithm to perform the DTLS record protection. The cipher suite is fixed for a (SCTP Assocation, DCI) pair.

  • Write Key and IV:

: The cipher suit specific binary object containing all necessary information for protection operations. The secret will used by the DTLS 1.3 client to encrypt the record. Binary arbitrary long object depending on the cipher suit used.

Reply : Established or Failed

9.4. Destroy Client Write Keying Material

A function to destroy the Client Write (transmit) keying material for a given epoch for a given DCI for a given SCTP Association.

Request : Destroy client write key and IV

Paramters :

  • SCTP Association

  • DCI

  • Restart indication

  • DTLS Epoch

Reply: Destroyed

Parameters : true or false

9.5. Destroy Server Write Keying Material

A function to destroy the Server Write (transmit) keying material for a given epoch for a given DCI for a given SCTP Association.

Request : Destroy server write key and IV

Paramters :

  • SCTP Association

  • DCI

  • Restart indication

  • DTLS Epoch

Reply: Destroyed

Parameters : true or false

9.6. Set DCI to Use

Set which key context (DCI) to use to protect the future SCTP packets sent by the SCTP Association.

Request : Set DCI used

Paramters :

  • SCTP Association

  • DCI

  • Restart indication

Reply: DCI set

Parameters : true or false

9.7. Get q

Get q, the number of protected messages (AEAD encryption invocations) for a given epoch.

Request : Get q

Paramters :

  • SCTP Association

  • DCI

  • Restart indication

  • DTLS Epoch

Reply: q

Parameters : non-negative integer

9.8. Get v

Get v, the number of attacker forgery attempts (failed AEAD decryption invocations) for a given epoch.

Request : Get v

Paramters :

  • SCTP Association

  • DCI

  • Restart indication

  • DTLS Epoch

Reply: v

Parameters : non-negative integer

9.9. Configure Replay Protection

The DTLS replay protection in this usage is expected to be fairly robust. Its depth of handling is related to maximum network path reordering that the receiver expects to see during the SCTP association. However as the actual reordering in number of packets are a combination of how delayed one packet may be compared to another times the actual packet rate this can grow for some applications and may need to be tuned. Thus, having the potential for setting this a more suitable value depending on the use case should be considered.

Request : Configure Replay Protection

Paramters :

  • DCI

  • Restart indication

  • SCTP Association

  • Configuration parameters

Reply: Replay Protection Configured

Parameters : true or false

10. IANA Considerations

This document defines two new registries in the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) Parameters group that IANA maintains. Theses registries are for the extra cause codes for protection related errors and the Protection Options identifiers for the PVALID chunk. It also adds registry entries into several other registries in the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) Parameters group:

10.1. Protection Error Cause Codes Registry

IANA is requested to create a new registry called "Protection Error Cause Codes". This registry is part of the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) Parameters grouping.

The purpose of this registry is to enable identification of different protection related errors when using DTLS chunk and a protection engine. Entries in the registry requires a Meaning, a reference to the specification defining the error, and a contact. Each entry will be assigned by IANA a unique 16-bit unsigned integer identifier. Values 0-65534 are available for assignment. Value 65535 is reserved for future extension. The proposed general form of the registry is depicted below in Table 4.

Table 4: Protection Error Cause Code
Cause Code Meaning Reference Contact
0 Error in the Protection Operator List RFC-To-Be Authors
1 Error During Protection Handshake RFC-To-Be Authors
2 Failure in Protection Operators Validation RFC-To-Be Authors
3 Timeout During KEY Handshake or Validation RFC-To-Be Authors
4-65534 Available for Assignment RFC-To-Be Authors
65535 Reserved RFC-To-Be Authors

New entries are registered following the Specification Required policy as defined by [RFC8126].

10.2. PVALID Protection Solution Indicators

IANA is requested to create a new registry called "PVALID Protection Solution Indicators". This regsitry is part of the of the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) Parameters grouping.

The purpose of this registry is to assign indicator bits for any security solution that could be offered as an alternative to DTLS chunk or themselves want to use the PVALID chunk mechanism to detect downgrade attacks. Any security solution that is offered through a parameter exchange during the SCTP handshake are potential to be included here.

Each entry will be assigned a bit-postion starting from the most significant first bit (bit 0) in the PVALID Protection Solutions Indicator field. Each application should be assigned the next available bit postion, especially avoiding to assign in the next 32 bit position prior to having assigned all previous values.

Table 5: PVALID Protection Solution Indicators
Bit Position Solution Name Reference Contact
0 DTLS 1.3 Chunk RFC-TBD Draft Authors
1 SCTP-AUTH draft-ietf-tsvwg-rfc4895-bis-02 Draft Authors

New entries are registered following the Specification Required policy as defined by [RFC8126].

10.3. SCTP Chunk Types

In the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) Parameters group's "Chunk Types" registry, IANA is requested to add the two new entries depicted below in in Table 6 with a reference to this document. The registry at time of writing was available at:

Table 6: New Chunk Types Registered
ID Value Chunk Type Reference
TBA7 Protected Association Parameter Validation (PVALID) RFC-To-Be

10.4. SCTP Chunk Parameter Types

In the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) Parameters group's "Chunk Parameter Types" registry, IANA is requested to add the new entry depicted below in in Table 7 with a reference to this document. The registry at time of writing was available at:

Table 7: New Chunk Type Parameters Registered
ID Value Chunk Parameter Type Reference
TBA8 DTLS 1.3 Chunk Protected Association RFC-To-Be

10.5. SCTP Error Cause Codes

In the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) Parameters group's "Error Cause Codes" registry, IANA is requested to add the new entry depicted below in in Table 8 with a reference to this document. The registry at time of writing was available at:

Table 8: Error Cause Codes Parameters Registered
ID Value Error Cause Codes Reference
TBA9 DTLS Chunk Error RFC-To-Be

10.6. SCTP Payload Protocol Identifier

In the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) Parameters group's "Payload Protocol Identifiers" registry, IANA is requested to update the entry depicted below in in Table 9 with a reference to this document. The registry at time of writing was available at:

Table 9: Protection Operator Protocol Identifier Registered
ID Value SCTP Payload Protocol Identifier Reference
4242 DTLS Chunk Key-Management Messages RFC-To-Be

11. Security Considerations

All the security and privacy considerations of the security protocol used as the Protection Operator applies.

DTLS replay protection MUST NOT be turned off.

11.1. Privacy Considerations

Using a security protocol in the SCTP DTLS chunk might lower the privacy properties of the security protocol as the SCTP Verification Tag is an unique identifier for the association.

11.2. Downgrade Attacks

The pvalid chunk provides a mechanism for preventing downgrade attacks that detects downgrading attempts between protection solutions and terminates the association. The chosen protection solution is the same as if the peers had been communicating in the absence of an attacker.

The initial handshake is verified before the DTLS Chunk is considered protected, thus no user data are sent before validation.

The downgrade protection is only as strong as the weakest of the supported protection solutions as an active attacker can trick the endpoints to negotiate the weakest protection solution and then modify the weakly protected pvalid chunks to deceive the endpoints that the negotiation of the Protection Operators is validated. This is similar to the downgrade protection in TLS 1.3 specified in Section 4.1.3. of [RFC8446] where downgrade protection is not provided when TLS 1.2 with static RSA is used. It is RECOMMENDED to only support a limited set of strongly profiled protection solutions.

12. Acknowledgments

The authors thank Michael Tüxen for his invaluable comments helping to cope with Association Restart, ASCONF handling and restructuring the Protection Operator architecture.

13. References

13.1. Normative References

Tuexen, M., Stewart, R., Lei, P., and E. Rescorla, "Authenticated Chunks for the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP)", RFC 4895, DOI 10.17487/RFC4895, , <>.
Stewart, R., Xie, Q., Tuexen, M., Maruyama, S., and M. Kozuka, "Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) Dynamic Address Reconfiguration", RFC 5061, DOI 10.17487/RFC5061, , <>.
Cotton, M., Leiba, B., and T. Narten, "Guidelines for Writing an IANA Considerations Section in RFCs", BCP 26, RFC 8126, DOI 10.17487/RFC8126, , <>.
Rescorla, E., Tschofenig, H., and N. Modadugu, "The Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) Protocol Version 1.3", RFC 9147, DOI 10.17487/RFC9147, , <>.
Stewart, R., Tüxen, M., and K. Nielsen, "Stream Control Transmission Protocol", RFC 9260, DOI 10.17487/RFC9260, , <>.
"TLS Cipher Suites", , <>.
Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, , <>.
Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC 2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174, , <>.

13.2. Informative References

Rescorla, E., "The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol Version 1.3", RFC 8446, DOI 10.17487/RFC8446, , <>.
Westerlund, M., Preuß Mattsson, J., and C. Porfiri, "Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) in the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) DTLS Chunk", , <>.

Authors' Addresses

Magnus Westerlund
John Preuß Mattsson
Claudio Porfiri