Internet-Draft Green BoF requirements collections August 2024
Stephan & Palmero Expires 28 February 2025 [Page]
Getting Ready for Energy-Efficient Networking
Intended Status:
E. Stephan
M. Palmero
Cisco Systems

Green BoF requirements collections


This memo extracts and groups requirements from the revisit of operator's requirements made in the last charter refinement work and from the drafts which provided material to the green BoF. The aim is to determine initial sets of requirements actionable at different levels of the framework.

Discussion Venues

The source of this draft and an issue tracker can be found at

About This Document

This note is to be removed before publishing as an RFC.

The latest revision of this draft can be found at Status information for this document may be found at

Discussion of this document takes place on the Getting Ready for Energy-Efficient Networking Working Group mailing list (, which is archived at Subscribe at

Source for this draft and an issue tracker can be found at

Status of This Memo

This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Note that other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-Drafts. The list of current Internet-Drafts is at

Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

This Internet-Draft will expire on 28 February 2025.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

This memo extracts and groups requirements from the revisit of operator's requirements made in the last charter refinement work [charter-refinement] and from the drafts which provided material [GREEN-BOF], [sustainability-insights], [legacy-path] and [rfc6988bis-green] to the green BoF. The aim is to determine initial sets of requirements actionable at different levels of the framework presented in [charter-refinement].

The tables below respect the format and the semantic of operators requirements table of [charter-refinement].

2. Operator'requirements from [charter-refinement] document

The table below is a copy of the operator'requirements table of [charter-refinement]. They are based on the inputs received from operators for the GREEN BoF [operators-inputs].

Table 1
category requirements note Priority
Observability Component granularity, e.g., per line-card, per-port Per component measurement 1
Observability Availability of information on the power consumption of the device, without needing instrumentation connected to the infrastructure Related to connected device case 1
Observability Triggering of alarms when consumption deviate from a nominal usage Alarm notification 1??
Observability Improvement of metering solutions (finer granularity, control of the energy efficiency and saving, interoperability, exposure) Standardized metering?? 1
Analysis Common definition of energy efficiency in network devices/components Standard metric 1
Analysis Common methodology of measurements for fair comparison Standard methodology 2
Analysis How to provide accurate figures (context of the measurement in terms of time period, location, traffic, etc Time based, location based visualization 2 ??
Analysis Database for decision in case of large data transfer Information Correlation 3
Analysis Ability of multi-layer analysis (e.g., IP plus optical) POI Use Case 3
Control& Mgmt To have devices with elastic power consumption according to the carried traffic Dynamic Energy Saving 2
Control& Mgmt Support of network-wide energy saving and optimization functions Network Level Mgmt 2
Control& Mgmt Support of network-wide control of energy optimization APIs, allowing external applications to optimize consumption Network Level Mgmt 2
Control& Mgmt Advanced sleep mode, needing some sort of low power mode when node is lightly utilized Dynamic Energy Saving 2
Control& Mgmt Ability to steer traffic based on power savings Traffic Engineering 4
Control& Mgmt Comparison of decision vs optimal case Intent based Concept 2
Control& Mgmt Synchronous query support Network Level Query 2
Inventory Management Inventory of power components (of devices, racks, etc) including together Component & Device Level 1
Interaction with other domain Inclusion of data center networks in the picture Data Center Case 3
Interaction with other domain Inclusion of data center networks in the picture Mobile Network Case 3
Sustainability & Carbon Emission Optimize the overall CO2 footprint (i.e., energy mix based on source type) facilitating the engineering of PoP More renewable energy More renewable energy 4
Sustainability & Carbon Emission Support GHG units Measurement Units 4
Sustainability & Carbon Emission Support Energy units More renewable energy 2 ??
Sustainability & Carbon EmissiCarbon, renewable 4    
Sustainability & Carbon Emission Accounting of legacy installed based GHG/energy Accounting Cost 4
Sustainability & Carbon Emission Track device/network Energy Consumption Before Operation Manufacturing, transport(weight, volume, package) 4

3. Requirements extracted from [legacy-path]

Table 2
category requirements note Priority
Inventory Management component control capacity (aka component max on/off frequency supported) Per component control 1 (i)
Analysis assess the gains of introducing eco-designed components in a device Device Level Mgmt 1 (ii)
Control& Mgmt comprehensive support of network-wide energy efficiency includes legacy devices Network Level Mgmt 1 (iii)

(i) Avoid control to break the component

(ii) the gain must be measurable

(iii) network-wide solution must include legacy devices and green-wg ready devices

4. Requirements from [rfc6988bis-green] draft Open Issues

Table 3
category requirements note Priority
Control& Mgmt Distinguish backup sources rfc6988bis battery 2
Inventory Management Reporting on Other Entities, typically smart PDU or PoE Fit in "Inventory of power components (of devices, racks, etc) including together" 2
Observability or Interaction with Other domain Room sensor (hvac...) Data Center Case 4
Observability flexible (future-proof) description of the nature of the sources of the energy used Standard metric 2

5. Requirements extracted from [sustainability-insights] uses cases

There are limited to energy consumption vs sustainability

Table 4
category requirements note Priority
Observability Provide near-real-time energy consumption to different device types, service types, and individual users Helps identify which devices or network functions are consuming more energy. 2
Migration or Upgrade Provide KPIs for energy efficiency parameters, enhance accuracy of upgrade decisions Helps make informed decisions about upgrades based on actual usage data.  
Recycling Report on percentage of recycled user devices and components. Enable comprehensive reporting and recycling efforts Major driver of the circular economy, transparency is key 4
Power Optimization Provide KPIs for energy efficiency parameters. Perform actions to reduce energy consumption Monitor network and application performance to optimize power usage 4
Control& Mgmt Switch off Stop and restart WiFi APs with the right time, space, and service granularity Save power consumption during periods when APs are not in use. 2

6. Security Considerations

TODO Security

7. IANA Considerations

This document has no IANA actions.

8. Informative References

"GREEN BOF Charter Refinement discussion", , <>.
"BOF proposal for GREEN WG Creation", , <>.
"Requirements for Energy Efficiency Management", , <>.
"Input from Operators to GREEN BoF", , <>.
"Requirements for Energy Efficiency Management, 11 years after the EMAN RFC6988", , <>.
"Sustainability Insights", , <>.


TODO acknowledge.

Authors' Addresses

Emile Stephan
Marisol Palmero
Cisco Systems