Internet-Draft | CDNI rotected Secrets Metadata | March 2023 |
Rosenblum | Expires 11 September 2023 | [Page] |
This is an early draft for a proposed mechanism to protect secret values (such as keys or token salt values) that are part of the Configuration Metadata.¶
This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.¶
Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Note that other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-Drafts. The list of current Internet-Drafts is at¶
Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."¶
This Internet-Draft will expire on 11 September 2023.¶
Copyright (c) 2023 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the document authors. All rights reserved.¶
This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions Relating to IETF Documents ( in effect on the date of publication of this document. Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect to this document. Code Components extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.¶
Certain objects in both the FCI and MI interfaces encapsulate sensitive values such as credentials and access keys which should not necessarily be accessible to all parties which can view the advertisement and configuration payloads.¶
This subpart defines two mechanisms to enclose secret values in the context of other FCI and MI objects which may only be viewed by the intended recipients: embedded secrets encrypted using a certificate supplied by counterparty, and secrets stored in an external service (support defined in this draft specifically for HashiCorp Vault) accessed via a specified path and a key ID.¶
Either side can share secrets, and the functionality is the same, so the FCI capabilities are wrappers around the MI objects similar to how FCI footprints (used in [RFC8008] ) reutilize the MI.Footprint and registry defined in [RFC8006] .¶
The public certificate for the dCDN is shared via FCI.SecretCertificate and the certificate for the uCDN is shared via MI.SecretCertificate.¶
The workflow for embedded secrets on both sides:¶
Detailed workflow examples, including modes which reference external services or contain secret values in plaintext, are available in Section 4 .¶
The MI.SecretValue objects are utilized in the FCI and MI interfaces where secrets must be referenced, for example, the access-key-secret used for the MI.LoggingTransportS3API.¶
Certificates can be validated based on signature in production environments, and self-signed certificates can be accepted in testing/lab environments. With this model, no out-of-band communication is required to share secrets.¶
MI.SecretStore instructs the counterparty on how to dereference the value of any MI.SecretValue objects linked to the store.¶
For embedded stores, MI.SecretStore identifies the certificate used for encrypting the values. For external stores (Vault), MI.SecretStore specifies the service endpoint that should be used in conjunction with the MI.SecretValue key path to obtain the secure data.¶
Property: secret-store-id¶
Property: secret-store-type¶
Property: secret-store-config¶
Property: secret-certificate-id¶
The following shows an example usage of MI.SecretStore¶
{ "secret-store-id": "store-1", "secret-store-type": "MI.SecretStoreTypeEmbedded", "secret-store-config": { "format": "cms" } }¶
MI.SecretStoreTypeEmbedded contains the configuration necessary to decrypt embedded secrets in MI.SecretValue.¶
The only currently supported encrypted message format is Cryptographic Message Syntax as defined in [RFC5652] . Messages must be CMS type "EnvelopedData" and Base64 encoded.¶
A cleartext format is also defined for testing purposes. In this case, the value of a MI.SecretValue object's secret-value property is the cleartext secret.¶
Property: format¶
The following shows an example usage of MI.SecretStoreTypEmbedded with a "cms" format.¶
{ "secret-store-id": "store-1", "secret-store-type": "MI.SecretStoreTypeEmbedded", "secret-store-config": { "format": "cms" } }¶
MI.SecretStoreTypeVault contains the configuration necessary to reference secrets stored in an external instance of HashiCorp Vault KV store.¶
MI.SecretValue objects referencing secrets stored in Vault use the secret-path property to identify the path and property key. See the MI.SecretValue documentation for details.¶
The following shows an example usage of MI.SecretStoreTypVault for Vault V1.¶
{ "secret-store-id": "store-2-vaultv1", "secret-store-type": "MI.SecretStoreTypeVault", "secret-store-config": { "endpoint": "", "version": 1, "namespace": "customer-1" } }¶
The following shows an example usage of MI.SecretStoreTypVault for Vault V2.¶
{ "secret-store-id": "store-2-vaultv2", "secret-store-type": "MI.SecretStoreTypeVault", "secret-store-config": { "endpoint": "", "version": 2, "namespace": "customer-1" } }¶
MI.SecretValue may be used in any FCI or MI object where sensitive data must be transmitted only to intended recipients.¶
The following shows an example usage of MI.SecretValue with an embdedded CMS secret.¶
{ "secret-store-id": "store-1-cms", "secret-value": "MIIBiQYJKoZIhvcNAQcDoIIBejCCAXYCAQAxggEhMIIBHQIBADAFM AACAQEwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQAEggEApJeXzsUS1jbAyNtQiJ9um9IMIHW5B2g+gHnXdNSTy d33OEfTR6yLSZihBlFbHpY3qSzK1CX7RF5Oz3SqLDW+r3i1D/aHbVXwQbviWHEvHterql8l9 VDm2FCNaDx5vihdbtvng3+/vdJNNMMhmovwZL5uhPsK81DkKwZCvznMMWt8YdNSFGT62f73a sh7Eg/mS54IUyYOJHYrXEkRLSjvl0j+JqcIR8hCOCA78+5bS4MgfdsS9xxSwQTrPru6EdTiv MDKE/jlKg7li8lWdirWqtv0za5gLmH5T+zslXIoklwERAE50Jj8FxZD98EikKH8DAa+JeFsB m6Z1+yVFsWucTBMBgkqhkiG9w0BBwEwHQYJYIZIAWUDBAEqBBBws1riXA6m336zRbsiKtrVg CA267133v2zD/wjFQHXrKSJfd/2YJaxPskgdmQaVlgWCw==" }¶
The following shows an example usage of MI.SecretValue with a reference to a secert stored in Vault.¶
{ "secret-store-id": "store-2-vaultv1", "secret-path": "bar/baz/importantsecret", "secret-key": "keyA" }¶
MI.SecretCertificate is used to share an [X.509] certificate to be used for encrypting embedded secret messages.¶
In lab and testing environments, this certificate may be self-signed depending on participant agreement.¶
In production environments, this should be a certificate signed by an appropriate CA and validated by the counterparty.¶
The following shows an example usage of MI.SecretCertificate.¶
{ "certificate-id": "store-1", "certificate-value": "MIIDZTCCAk2gAwIBAgIUFJokJzAxDgUGsBd8uhSblpMwSLAw DQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQAwQjELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxEDAOBgNVBAgMB0dlb3JnaWExITAfBgNV BAoMGEludGVybmV0IFdpZGdpdHMgUHR5IEx0ZDAeFw0yMzAxMjMyMDM2MDNaFw0yMzAyMjIy MDM2MDNaMEIxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMRAwDgYDVQQIDAdHZW9yZ2lhMSEwHwYDVQQKDBhJbnRl cm5ldCBXaWRnaXRzIFB0eSBMdGQwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQCT 11o9yebJmjiq7mXbLtnr5THpTnyahNpKECI+N8YZSl5+cS9hGa06zKQV3MNxbjJ15smmeWbg ynYGwqhs5ZXGUjzd8S1/M1A08z1VFhEJiODQ00f3BOocpIn25RQzFz/BOLREW7sLkrhuz/WV BR3bzp6T1gu3nKcRSNuNxO1p9490gS1LhsZYQKfNvncuxBCP0GTNbUOXd6xkQ+EX5cEKoODU YWzOMdMAMlEEFb4jUjxYbbJoygwTMHpG2yGAQ2IXpB2/wrrawivxDHlMHGpML+Ie8o6YBR4P DiOJmlCg9uIsirf65R1zhfcCxmNQ7z/IggC0WNQjZwymeZT9cFDdAgMBAAGjUzBRMB0GA1Ud DgQWBBQb5eJeYLEpErJetb1eid5BgsS3uTAfBgNVHSMEGDAWgBQb5eJeYLEpErJetb1eid5B gsS3uTAPBgNVHRMBAf8EBTADAQH/MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAA4IBAQBURnrjVbHVwfV/u/xj zK8p4dTke0xb0oKt0J5YeH95sRa66m3tQJYf0jbMNQ8InfXK0IzGM/uUOJX3daeOMQxMbJva UDZV64kuU6IgkEQuLwkOP5k0Rc9+SuRMlvWOB2exiyQkd2iHJtURuEtvB39LIr4pPDsicBAY xsm5ybIWCmqNMPkVl8Qks3lAXeF+xvH11tmciTJSYP0Ud2psbV3lduD76UT2bzDGkr690Kqr oNS57WbQrHxEhtMbdq0cPfzqFlxyhckqNYrcw2v1igQDhplQ2eUc4ye0Mvimj1Me2mWjPvil hvS3vDGhrmcx9mlishlI/RFy6yDI1gtkF7eS" }¶
These objects are simple capability wrappers around the Section 2 defined MI objects.¶
FCI.SecretStore instructs the uCDN on how to dereference the value of any MI.SecretValue objects linked to the store from other FCI objects via an embedded MI.SecretValue object. For further details, see Section 2.1 MI.SecretStore.¶
The following shows an example usage of FCI.SecretStore.¶
{ "capabilities": [ { "capability-type": "FCI.SecretStore", "capability-value": { "secret-store-id": "store-1", "secret-store-type": "MI.SecretStoreTypeEmbedded", "secret-store-config": { "format": "cms" } } } ] }¶
FCI.SecretCertificate is used to share an [X.509] certificate to be used for encrypting embedded secret messages via an embedded MI.SecretCertificate object. For further details, see Section 2.5 MI.SecretCertificate.¶
{ "capabilities": [ { "capability-type": "FCI.SecretCertificate", "capability-value": { "certificate-id": "store-1", "certificate-value": "MIIDZTCCAk2gAwIBAgIUFJokJzAxDgUGsBd8uhSblp MwSLAwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQAwQjELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxEDAOBgNVBAgMB0dlb3JnaWExIT AfBgNVBAoMGEludGVybmV0IFdpZGdpdHMgUHR5IEx0ZDAeFw0yMzAxMjMyMDM2MDNaFw0yMz AyMjIyMDM2MDNaMEIxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMRAwDgYDVQQIDAdHZW9yZ2lhMSEwHwYDVQQKDB hJbnRlcm5ldCBXaWRnaXRzIFB0eSBMdGQwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAo IBAQCT11o9yebJmjiq7mXbLtnr5THpTnyahNpKECI+N8YZSl5+cS9hGa06zKQV3MNxbjJ15s mmeWbgynYGwqhs5ZXGUjzd8S1/M1A08z1VFhEJiODQ00f3BOocpIn25RQzFz/BOLREW7sLkr huz/WVBR3bzp6T1gu3nKcRSNuNxO1p9490gS1LhsZYQKfNvncuxBCP0GTNbUOXd6xkQ+EX5c EKoODUYWzOMdMAMlEEFb4jUjxYbbJoygwTMHpG2yGAQ2IXpB2/wrrawivxDHlMHGpML+Ie8o 6YBR4PDiOJmlCg9uIsirf65R1zhfcCxmNQ7z/IggC0WNQjZwymeZT9cFDdAgMBAAGjUzBRMB 0GA1UdDgQWBBQb5eJeYLEpErJetb1eid5BgsS3uTAfBgNVHSMEGDAWgBQb5eJeYLEpErJetb 1eid5BgsS3uTAPBgNVHRMBAf8EBTADAQH/MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAA4IBAQBURnrjVbHVwf V/u/xjzK8p4dTke0xb0oKt0J5YeH95sRa66m3tQJYf0jbMNQ8InfXK0IzGM/uUOJX3daeOMQ xMbJvaUDZV64kuU6IgkEQuLwkOP5k0Rc9+SuRMlvWOB2exiyQkd2iHJtURuEtvB39LIr4pPD sicBAYxsm5ybIWCmqNMPkVl8Qks3lAXeF+xvH11tmciTJSYP0Ud2psbV3lduD76UT2bzDGkr 690KqroNS57WbQrHxEhtMbdq0cPfzqFlxyhckqNYrcw2v1igQDhplQ2eUc4ye0Mvimj1Me2m WjPvilhvS3vDGhrmcx9mlishlI/RFy6yDI1gtkF7eS" } } ] }¶
The facilities in this document can be used for simple and bidirectional exchange of secret values between uCDN and dCDN participants in an Open Caching System. The embedded model provides for secret exchange without reference to out-of-band services, and the Vault support allows external reference to secrets stored in HashiCorp Vault.¶
Participants utilizing a secrets distribution method or service not supported here may define a Private Feature MI object with the necessary configuration for that method or service and then utilize that MI object within MI.SecretStore and FCI.SecretStore.¶
Provided below are workflow examples for uCDN -> dCDN and dCDN -> uCDN exchange of secret values.¶
Consideration is needed when addressing key rollover, expiration, and revocation in the embedded model. The recommended workflow for key rollover is as follows:¶
When the secrets recipient provides an updated configuration that no longer contains an MI.SecretCertificate with an ID referenced in MI.SecretStore used by MI.SecretValue objects, those MI.SecretValue objects should be reduced to an object with no contained secret-value property as they would be in the initial state before any certificate had been provided.¶
The FCI and MI objects defined in the present document are transferred via the interfaces defined in CDNI [RFC8006] . [RFC8006] describes how to secure these interfaces, protecting the integrity, confidentiality and ensuring the authenticity of the dCDN and uCDN. The security provide by [RFC8006] should therefore address the above security concerns.¶
The authors would like to express their gratitude to the following members of the Streaming Video Technology Alliance [SVTA] Open Caching Working Group for their guidance, contribution, and review,¶